to Our Consultation
Please come visit us at Glazebury C of E Primary School on 12th December between 15:00 and 18:00 for a chat and for more information about this fantastic opportunity. If you are unable to attend, please review the information on this website, and provide us with your feedback via our Questionnaire.
We are presenting a fantastic opportunity to provide £1.5m of private sector funding via residential enabling development to improve Glazebury’s community facilities. We need to understand the issues facing existing community assets and facilities, and the specific needs of Glazebury’s community groups and therefore, we need your input!
How? Come and provide feedback via our Questionnaire, or meet us in person on 12th December at Glazebury C of E Primary School between 15:00 - 18:00
Your opinions and feedback are vital to inform future community development in the village! So,
£1.5 million of investment to facilitate significant community benefits and facilities funded via enabling residential development.
The Vision
Provide a new multi functional community building with a modern space that can facilitate a range of uses and activities that the residents of Glazebury, and beyond, can benefit from.
Identifying areas in the village requiring investment, improvement and enhancement.
Providing investment and facilities that create long term, sustainable, and high-quality improvements for the Glazebury community.
The site boundary extends along Glazebury's western boundary and includes land to the west of Waltham Avenue, Glazebury cricket club and ground, and an area to the west of All Saints Church.
The Site
The Issues
We have listed some of the issues facing Glazebury's community assets and facilities below
Cricket pavilion not to standard and lacking amenities
Existing cricket facilities are not up to standard and requirements for a modern club. There is no parking and the existing building contains asbestos.
School car park at capacity
Current school car park at capacity during peak times (school pick-up and drop-off) resulting in on-street car parking and causing significant congestion and disruption on Hurst Lane.
Congestion / Parking to Hurst Lane
Significant on-street car parking along Hurst Lane at school drop-off and pick-up times resulting in congestion and disruption on Hurst Lane.
Graveyard almost at capacity
The graveyard at All Saints Church is almost at capacity.
Limited space for community uses in the village
There are limited facilities in the village to accommodate community activities.
Do you agree with the above? Are there other issues facing Glazebury's community assets and facilities?
The £1.5 million of private sector funding will be earmarked for several community development opportunities. We have identified the following opportunities after realising some of the issues facing Glazebury.
Improved access across the brook
Environmental enhancements
Enabling residential development
Cricket and sports fields
Potential new community hub?
Potential location for car park and school drop-off?
Potential to alleviate congestion at Hurst Lane
Extension to graveyard nearing capacity
Enabling Residential Development
An element of enabling residential development will be required to generate the investment necessary to provide the community benefits.
Please use this opportunity to tell us what type of housing might be needed in Glazebury. For example, is there a need for bungalows to allow downsizing? Is there a need for starter homes? Is there a need for family housing? Please provide us with your feedback. ​Below is a series of precedent imagery of the type and style of potential housing, what would you like to see in Glazebury?
Pedestrian link
Development area
Outward views
Pedestrian link
Have Your Say!
The input from Glazebury’s community will be key in helping us to shape and finalise the proposals, ensuring that the scheme is fully informed and delivers multiple benefits to the Glazebury community.
Please, take the time to share your opinion and tell us what you would like to see and come forward in Glazebury. Our Questionnaire is available below.
We believe this is a great opportunity to provide significant community benefits in Glazebury, supported by an element of enabling residential development.
In-person community consultation
Come and chat to us to have a discussion about this fantastic opportunity for Glazebury. ​Our representatives will be available on:
​Thursday 12th December 15:00 - 18:00 at Glazebury C of E Primary School